Aristotle’s Poetics

Definition of tragedy: “Tragedy is the imitation of an action that is admirable, complete and possesses magnitude; in language made pleasurable performed by actors, not through narration, effecting through pity and fear the purification of such emotions”

Components of tragedy (in order):

1.Plot: Crisis must contain magnitude. Universal & relatable

2. Character: Tragedy is not an imitation of persons but of life. Must have; goodness, liveability, high status, consistant

3. Thought: Idea or theme “spine”

4. Diction: Language should be pleasurable, Prose vs Verse, Rhyme, Rhythm, Long Speech vs Short speech

5. Melody: Music, the overall sound

6. Spectacle: Visual elements – Set, lighting, props, costume, movement

Other definitions

Catharsis: Purgation or purification

Hamartia: Mistake, error, miscalculation

Recognition & Reversal

The Unities:

Time: Suggests play should take place in 1 day (24h)

Place: Suggests play should take place in one setting & shouldn’t change

Action: Suggests play should have one single unified action with no side story or sub plot

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